The Plan includes sections relevant to all educators and administrators:
- Leadership
- Teaching with Technology
- Engaging and Empowering Learning through Technology
- Assessment
- Infrastructure
Workshop/Course Information Link
October 24
Council Bluffs
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
November 19
Central Decatur CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
January 17
Avoca RO
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
February 18
Atlantic CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
March 4
Avoca RO
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
April 19
Creston CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
May 14
Vilisca CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088