Friday, October 26, 2018

Iowa's Digital Learning Plan Available NOW!

  Iowa’s Digital Learning Plan, a collaborative effort between the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa’s Area Education Agencies and school districts, is now available!

The Plan includes sections relevant to all educators and administrators:

  • Leadership
  • Teaching with Technology
  • Engaging and Empowering Learning through Technology
  • Assessment
  • Infrastructure

Edcamp Lamoni


 EdCamps are FREE "unconferences," designed to be teacher centered. They are great places to network and learn from each other. Each session is created and run the day of the event by the individuals who attend an EdCamp. Sessions could include exploring a technology tool, a discussion about best practices, or a collaborative presentation with multiple facilitators. All participants are encouraged to discuss and provide content as well as ask questions. Edcamps also operate on the “Rule of Two Feet.” This means if you attend a session and you decide it isn’t what you expected, you are encouraged to get up and go to another session.

Social Studies Standards Webinars

  In an effort to help teachers implement the new social studies standards for Economics and Financial Literacy, the Dordt College Center for Economic Education, the Iowa Council for Economic Education, and the TS Institute for Financial Education have teamed up to produce a series of webinars for teachers.

Friday, October 19, 2018

4 Our Kids

This unique all day training includes a variety of topics for professionals working with students/families involved in juvenile court situations. Questions can be e-mailed to Judge Susan Christensen, and those attending are asked to e-mail her to register. See more information

Omaha Symphony

The Omaha Symphony education programs may be perfect your your school this year. Combine aspects of math, science, history and literacy all while learning about music! With registration open for all students from preschool to high school, now is your chance to explore the opportunities!

Course Disclaimer/Course Refund Policy

All nine of Iowa's AEAs have adopted the following policy regarding registering and/or withdrawing from an Agency-wide sponsored course for credit. Please read through this policy so that you are aware of any changes.

Trauma Responsive Schools

Prairie Lakes AEA welcomes you to attend a conference focused on creating a trauma-responsive school. The conference will be held Nov. 2 & 3 at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake. A trauma-responsive school is a safe and respectful environment that enables students to build caring relationships with adults and peers, self-regulate their emotions and behaviors, and succeed academically, while supporting their physical health and well-being. It is about creating a culture that prioritizes safety, trust, choice, and collaboration.

Breakout sessions include:

  • ACES and the impact of trauma on youth
  • Restorative Justice - what is it and how does it work in education
  • Blue Zones
  • Therapy dogs
  • Collaborative and Proactive Solutions
  • Mindfulness, self-care, and more
Register by clicking here now!

FastBridge Math Questions

Now that your school has purchased FastBridge math. You may have several questions:
What tests should we use? How do I use the data? What does it mean for instruction or intervention?

The Green Hills AEA Math team has created short videos to help you and your school teams answer those questions. Find them here on the Green Hills AEA Math Site.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Yoga and Meditation in the Classroom

Start implementing yoga and mediation in your classroom routines and structures with this training! Join us on November 3rd and December 8th in Avoca!
Register today!

Green Hills AEA Directories

The 2018-19 Green Hills AEA Directories are on their way! Look for your copy to be arriving via van mail shortly. If you need additional copies, please contact Devin Laughlin,

Children's Mental Health Listening Posts

Listening posts are being hosted at locations across Iowa on behalf of the Children’s System State Board established by Gov. Kim Reynolds in April. The focus of the listening posts is to understand what children mental health services need to be available locally. How can you get involved?

Science Workshops

Workshop/Course Information Link
October 24
Council Bluffs
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
November 19
Central Decatur CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
January 17
Avoca RO
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
February 18
Atlantic CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
March 4
Avoca RO
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
April 19
Creston CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088
May 14
Vilisca CSD
Science Standards Module 4 - workshop only, no credit - Course #168088

HIgh Impact Instruction

Please consider adding more skills to your coaching repertoire by joining others on October 29 and 30 in Avoca. Green Hills is a host site for High Impact Instruction with Ann Hoffman from The Instructional Coaching Group. Jim Knight's research over several decades has led to this work. The High Impact Instruction workshop provides coaches with a framework to use with teachers and is focused on content planning, instruction, community building and assessment for learning.

Monday, October 1, 2018

English Language Learners Critical Data Process Training

Register now for the English Language Learners Critical Data Process Trainings with Steve Gill. This training will support district and building teams to be better equipped to determine when an English Language Learner needs additional interventions and when a disability should be suspected. Each building that sends representatives to this training will receive a FREE copy of Steve Gill and Ushani Nanayakkara's book: The ELL Critical Data Process - 2nd Edition.