Thursday, February 18, 2021

2nd Annual Earth Day Digital Poster Contest

To celebrate Earth Day, Green Hills AEA's Green Team is proud to sponsor our second annual digital poster contest for elementary, middle, and high school students within its service area.

  • Posters should be no larger than 24x36 inches (portrait or landscape)
  • Posters must be digital, no physical posters will be accepted. If you aren't sure what program to use, we suggest Scans of artwork are permitted for elementary-level students ONLY.
  • Posters must be school appropriate
  • Work must be submitted by midnight on March 22, 2021
Posters will be evaluated on:
  • Clear Earth Day Theme
  • Original Idea
  • Captures Attention
One winner will be chosen from each category: 
  • Elementary
  • Middle school 
  • High school

The winners will each receive a printed adhesive poster for display at their school provided by Green Hills AEA. The winning artwork will be featured on the Green Hills AEA website homepage for the month of April. It will also be featured during the Green Team's presentation to all Green Hills AEA staff in August.

PLEASE NOTE: Only PDF and image files will be accepted. Any submitted files that are unable to be opened will be disqualified.

To submit your poster, please fill out this Google Form

Please feel free to share this opportunity with your students via this flyer.

Professional Learning COVID-19 Update

Due to the high number of positive COVID-19 cases, EXTERNAL Face to Face Professional Learning has been suspended through the month of March.

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Substitute Authorization - Course #154170 (Virtual)

March 15, March 16, March 17, March 18, March 19, 1 p.m. - 4 p.m.
Click Here to Register
A substitute authorization allows an individual to substitute in grades PK-12 for no more than 5 consecutive days and no more than 10 days in a 30-day period in one job assignment for a regularly assigned teacher who is absent, except in the driver’s education classroom.

Self Care for Educators - Course #190076 (Virtual)

February 25, March 11, March 24, April 1 - 3:45 pm. - 5:45 p.m.
Click Here to Register
Self-Care for Educators is a hybrid course with face-to-face (or zoom required) introduction and closing with self-paced modules and on-line community building every other week. The course participants will be able to define what Self-Care is, why it is important and how it can impact their personal well-being, family life, student interactions and work with colleagues. Through the completion of the course, participants will be expected to complete self-assessments, develop a Self-Care implementation plan (across multiple domains), implement a Self-Care plan and reflect on their implementation personally and through group processing.

While there are requirements to pass this course, the hope of the instructors is that educators truly learn to practice self-care. Self-care is something that can be practiced for 30 minutes at one time or practiced several times throughout the day. The instructors want participants to create self-care plans that are manageable and work for them without creating anxiety for due dates and deadlines.

Suicide Risk Assessment Training - Course #180546 (Virtual)

February 23, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. 
Green Hills AEA’s course, Suicide Risk Assessment Training, provides an in-depth guide for administrators, counselors, and all other staff involved in suicide risk assessments at the district level. Using the book Suicide in Schools, participants will learn best practices and discover resources surrounding suicide pre and postvention efforts. Suicide loss impacts the entire school community, and crisis response is crucial. While there is no set legal precedent for a school’s responsibility in the event of a suicide, it is in a district’s best interest to be proactive in crisis planning including suicide pre and postvention training, policy development. An important factor in successful crisis planning includes administrative support and buy-in to such initiatives, so administrators are encouraged to attend this training.
NOTE: $50 Materials Fee

CPI Training - De-Escalation - Course #190305 (Virtual)

March 1, 8 a.m. - Noon
Click Here to Register
In an effort to minimize time outside of buildings, maintain the highest level of safety, while ensuring we can continue to meet your CPI training needs, Green Hills AEA will be moving to a hybrid learning model for de-escalation and physical restraint/holds. If staff have had the CPI refresher training two or more times, their blue card certification will be valid through the 2020-2021 school year.

Rapid Literacy For English Language Learners with Carol Salva (Virtual)

Join us for this free virtual event as we learn practical methods to help non-English readers accelerate their literacy in the target language. Secondary teachers serving English Language Learners deserve training in foundations of literacy that makes sense for the secondary classroom. Learn strategies that are based on research and Carol Salva’s current classroom experience. Registration closes February 26th, so sign up soon!

Clickable Classrooms from GHAEA

Consultants from all content areas, School Improvement, and Digital Learning teams have teamed up to develop multiple virtual learning opportunities to meet the needs of educators across Southwest Iowa! This is so important during these times, and will continue to be an effective way to facilitate learning in the future!

The Digital Learning team has created an Interactive Notebook to help LEA staff navigate through the various options available for virtual learning! A “Universal” series is currently being offered which includes: Getting Started with Universal Instruction and Digital Learning, Accelerating Learning, Best Practices of Instruction (Levels 1 and 2), Instructional Coaching and ESSA/Return to Learn.

Help us spread the word about this great resource! Links to the Clickable Classroom can be found on the scroll bar of our homepage as well as under the Professional Learning tab.

Authentic Learning Bootcamp through AEA Learning Online

We have some exciting news! We have digitized our Authentic Learning Bootcamp! If you are looking for a fun and flexible way to earn renewal credit or graduate credit, this would be a great course for you. This is a mostly self-paced course (complete as quickly as you'd like through August 1st when the course closes). There are 2 hours of "in-person" via zoom so we can get to know you and provide an opportunity to network with other educators from around Iowa. Sign up here.

2021 Lakin Outstanding Teacher Award Nominations

Nomination forms for the Charles E. Lakin Teacher Awards given annually to outstanding southwest Iowa public school teachers are available online at and are funded by the Charles E. Lakin Foundation.

For the 13th year, anyone can nominate an instructor for a $10,000 award from non-urban schools within a 40-mile radius of the late philanthropist Charles Lakin's hometown of Emerson.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Talented & Gifted Professional Learning Course from Central Rivers AEA

Serving TAG Students in the General Education Classroom - Course #190378

August 2 - 8-9 A.M.
Register Here
This course is being offered by Central Rivers AEA. If you are a general education teacher, you are most certainly serving talented and gifted students, but are you providing them with the challenge and enrichment they need to continually grow? Are you a TAG teacher that is looking for additional ways to assist classroom teachers in differentiating? This course will provide instructional strategies that are ideal for not only TAG students but will benefit all your students. This blended course will be conducted through Canvas with the face-to-face component taking place through Zoom.

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Self Care for Educators - Course #190076 (Virtual)

February 25, March 11, March 24, April 1 - 3:45 pm. - 5:45 p.m.
Register Here
Course participants will be able to define what self-care is, why it is important and how it can impact their personal well-being, family life, student interactions and work with colleagues. Through the completion of the course, participants will be expected to complete self-assessments, develop a self-care implementation plan across multiple domains, implement a self-care plan and reflect on their implementation personally and through group processing.

While there are requirements to pass this course, the hope of the instructors is that educators truly learn to practice self-care. Self-care is something that can be practiced for 30 minutes at one time or practiced several times throughout the day. The instructors want participants to create self-care plans that are manageable and work for them without creating anxiety for due dates and deadlines.

Integrating SEL 101 - Course #189868 (Virtual)

February 11, February 15, February 18, February 22, 3:45 p.m.-5:45 p.m.
Register Here
Participants will become familiar with CASEL's 3 Signature Practices Playbook and use it to begin to develop lessons that integrate Social Emotional Learning into lessons with intention regardless of content. Iowa's Social Emotional Learning Competencies document, along with resources from CASEL will provide foundational knowledge for participants. The practices will be explicitly modeled and the instructional practices of discussion, reflection, guided practice, and independent practice will all be utilized. This course will require active engagement. Research demonstrates that instruction that includes Social Emotional Learning has been shown to increase academic performance, improve attitudes and behaviors toward school, decrease negative behaviors, and reduce emotional stress.

Suicide Risk Assessment Training - Course #180546 (Virtual)

February 23, 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Register Here
This workshop will address best practices in school suicide risk assessment procedures. Participants will learn how to conduct a suicide risk assessment. The book Suicide in Schools and related risk assessment documents will be provided, as well as sample procedures from area school districts. Suicide Risk Assessment Training is designed for counselors, special education representatives, school-based interventionists, nurses, or anyone who would be involved in district-level suicide assessment. Team time will be provided to discuss district procedures and role-play, so it is beneficial to register as a district team.
NOTE: $50 Materials Fee

Rapid Literacy For English Language Learners with Carol Salva (Virtual)

Join us for this free virtual event as we learn practical methods to help non-English readers accelerate their literacy in the target language. Secondary teachers serving English Language Learners deserve training in foundations of literacy that makes sense for the secondary classroom. Learn strategies that are based on research and Carol Salva’s current classroom experience. Registration closes February 26th, so sign up soon!

Website Designed to Help Iowans with Mental Health Needs

Mental health professionals from Iowa’s nine AEAs recently collaborated to create a website for Iowans who are searching for mental health assistance. The website at came from a request by the state legislature to help educators, parents, and students navigate resources related to mental health and well-being in Iowa. In addition to AEA contacts for the schools, the site provides contacts for the home setting from Iowa’s Mental Health and Disability Services (MHDS).

The website features vetted sources to educate visitors about addiction and substance abuse; anxiety and stress disorders; attention deficit disorder; depression; eating disorders; and self-harm.

“A call was put out by educational committee legislators last year to offer support to Iowa families and educators in the area of mental health,” said Tom Lane, a lobbyist for Iowa’s AEAs. “The site was designed to alleviate the frustration of finding contacts for services. When educators visit the site, they will find a point of contact at their respective AEA, and family members can reach out to mental health regions of MHDS.”

A listing of Iowa groups and agencies that advocate for children and families is part of an education component of the site, as well as reducing the stigma associated with mental health.

The site also provides information about proactive measures people can take for self-care.

“People who pay attention to their own physical and emotional health are better able to handle the challenges of supporting someone with mental health issues,” said Lane.

School employees are encouraged to check out the site, especially the “Find Support” page, in order to demonstrate how to navigate the resources. Schools should contact their local AEA for assistance with students who need mental health supports.

Iowa AEAs Bring Google Tech Support to Iowa District Partners

The Iowa AEA System has established a multi-year agreement to support Iowa school districts with access to and continued use of G Suite Enterprise for EDU (GSEfE) and Google Voice.

Effective immediately, any school district in Iowa can access the support services available through Tempus Nova (TN), a Google Cloud Premier Partner specializing in supporting educational organizations across the nation with their Google Cloud environments.

What This Partnership Means for Districts:
Reduced Pricing - Through this new agreement districts can upgrade from a G Suite for Education to a G Suite Enterprise for Education license at a significant savings. This agreement offers the upgrade for $41.28 per student, a reduction from the current MSRP of $48.00. This pricing discount of 14% offered by Tempus Nova is guaranteed for up to 5 years.

Additional Google Tech Support - This partnership brings additional support to your technology department and staff for Google products. Your district’s technology team can get support as they administer Gmail and Google Drive, manage domain-based challenges and recommendations, coordinate mobile device management, and provide district or building-wide Google resources.

Next Steps:
Your district’s technology director has received detailed information on the services available through Tempus Nova, and is encouraged to reach out to Tempus Nova to receive more information.

Computer Science Courses Available from Prairie Lakes AEA

Prairie Lakes AEA, in collaboration with Drake University, has been awarded grant funding from the Iowa Computer Science Professional Development Incentive Fund (CSPDIF). Registration for these courses is now open to all Iowa educators. Only 20 of the 60 seats remain available so if you're interested, register now! The grant provides teachers with university-level computer science courses at no tuition cost to them. Participants will be responsible for purchasing any required textbooks.

By July 1, 2023, schools must have a computer science offering that is aligned to the CSTA K-12 CS Standards in at least one grade level in grades 1-6 and 7-8 by July 1, 2023. High schools need to have one computer science course offering (CSTA standard aligned) in place by July 1, 2022. (The new legislation can be viewed in HF 2629 pages 7-9.) Iowa Department of Education: Obtaining a Computer Science Endorsement outlines the specifics of obtaining a computer science endorsement.

Please fill out this form if you are interested in attending one or more of the following three computer science courses from Drake University this summer: Computer Science in the Elementary Classroom, Secondary Computer Science Methods, or Introduction to Computer Science (not a prerequisite).

Contact Torrey Proctor at Prairie Lakes AEA for assistance.