Thursday, January 14, 2021

NEW Online Catalog Format For Professional Learning

We are excited to roll out a new, more user-friendly way to search for learning opportunities at GHAEA! Explore the new format HERE and let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Professional Learning COVID-19 Update

Due to the high number of positive COVID-19 cases, EXTERNAL Face to Face Professional Learning has been suspended through the month of February. Virtual opportunities are still available for registration! Stay healthy. Stay safe.

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

NEW PREPaRE Workshop #2 - Course #154168 (Virtual)

March 4 - March 5 - 8:30 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Register Here
PREPaRE Workshop 2 is a 2-day course that provides school-based mental health professionals and other school crisis intervention team members with the knowledge necessary to meet the mental health needs of students and staff following a school-associated crisis event.
NOTE: $55 materials fee

Vocabulary in the Secondary Classroom - Course #200857 (Virtual)

January 21, February 25, March 25, April 22 - 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.
Register Here
Course participants will learn about the importance of vocabulary development and the connection to reading comprehension. Sessions will include an overview of the current research into vocabulary development, background knowledge, and the implications to the educational classroom. Participants will learn how to choose high leverage words and the components of explicit vocabulary instruction.

CPI Training - Virtual De-Escalation Training - Course #190305 - training only, no credit (Virtual)

January 18, 8 a.m. - Noon
Register Here
In an effort to minimize time outside of buildings, maintain the highest level of safety, while ensuring we can continue to meet your CPI training needs, Green Hills AEA will be moving to a hybrid learning model for de-escalation and physical restraint/holds. If staff have had the CPI refresher training two or more times, their blue card certification will be valid through the 2020-2021 school year. 
NOTE: Participants must register for the training in the online registration system so that materials can be van mailed prior to the training date.
Zoom link

Learning - Distance and Otherwise (Virtual)

January 25, 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Register Here (Google Form)
Audience: Classroom Teacher, Instructional Coaches, and AEA Consultants who have NOT taken Building Back Better. What have we learned from the pandemic? How can we use what we’ve learned to make education better? 
Zoom Link

Understanding Standards Aligned Writing - Course #200888 (Virtual)

February 1, March 4, 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. 
Register Here
This course content is developed by the members of the Iowa Statewide Literacy Leadership Team. The modules in this course will deepen teachers’ understanding of writing topics including unwrapping Writing Iowa Core Standards, standards alignment, student feedback types, the calibration process rubric scoring, and other evidence-based practices.

Fierce Conversations - Course #160693 (Virtual)

February 5, February 19, March 4, March 26, April 8, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Register Here
What gets talked about in an organization and how it gets talked about determines what will happen... or won’t happen. Consequently, the work begins by putting into place a foundation: four conversation models that become “workhorses” for individuals and organizations: Team Conversation, Coaching Conversation, Delegation Conversation, Confrontation Conversation.
NOTE: $130 materials fee.

Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute - Course #154185 (Virtual)

February 1, February 3, February 8, February 10, February 15, February 17, 4 p.m. - 6 p.m
Register Here
Born at Google and based on neuroscience, the SIY program teaches emotional intelligence skills that lead to sustained peak performance, strong collaboration and effective leadership. SIY increases self-awareness, empathy, communication and resilience. All of these help create positive emotional and mental states for a strong and inspiring leadership presence. The program includes sessions on mindfulness, self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy, and leadership. For more information about SIYLI the organization visit

Library Media Tech Concentration for Paraeducators

The support paraeducators offer in the school library setting is highly valued, and the support needed is unique to other positions in the building. Mississippi Bend AEA is offering a course, via Zoom, designed specifically for school library paraeducators. The course is twofold in that participants can earn 3 renewal credits and add the Level II Library Media Tech endorsement to their paraeducator certificate.

Paraeducators have the opportunity to grow their skillset and become licensed. In order to add the Library Media Technology Area of Concentration to a license, one must have completed the generalist program first. The generalist program consists of three courses, and in addition, includes a clinical experience and two observations. Questions can be directed to Heather Whitman at

OpenSciEd Statewide Cohorts Beginning in February: Grades 6-8


Iowa’s AEAs are pleased to announce that registration for OpenSciEd virtual workshops is now live!  This professional learning opportunity will prepare teachers with practical tools to help with enacting this curriculum and provide a vision for the long term goals of the OpenSciEd Project along wit
h the implementation of
A Framework for K–12 Science Education and the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  Even if teachers choose to not use these instructional materials, the learning around the instructional routines and accompanying shifts in classroom instruction will be valuable for 6th-8th grade science teachers and instructional coaches alike.

This course will utilize a blended learning model that includes three Zoom sessions which occur between three independently completed online, asynchronous learning sessions.  Each unit training may be taken for one license renewal credit. To read an overview of each unit, click the corresponding link in the section below.  You can also use the Course/Section number link to register. The registration deadline is February 1, 2021.

Iowa Seal of Biliteracy Available for Order

The Seal of Biliteracy is an award given by a district to recognize students who have attained proficiency in two or more languages, one of which is English, by high school graduation. If you need Biliteracy Seals for the 2020-21 school year, please contact Julia Hood with the number of seals you need.

Western Iowa Regents Resource Center Winter Newsletter

The Western Iowa Regents Resource Center's winter newsletter includes highlights about new scholarships, past and upcoming outreach activities, and community grant opportunities.