Thursday, May 20, 2021

Professional Learning COVID-19 Update

Effective immediately, our professional learning opportunities will resume full capacity registration and use of the agency’s conference rooms. GHAEA encourages you to take measures you believe best to protect yourself and those with whom you come in contact from the spread of COVID-19.

We will continue to clean all offices regularly, and we will reassess the need for routine, deep-cleaning efforts on June 30.

We will continue to update and track COVID-19 data for each county through June 30, as we will want to keep an eye on a possible resurgence of cases. If a county were to move into RED/RED status, we would verify with CDC on recommendations for office status at that time.

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Implementing Ambitious Science Teaching Part 1 (Virtual)

July 19 - December 9, 2021

Check out all of our 2021 SUMMER COURSE OFFERINGS! Help us spread the word and sign up for your own learning in the process!

License/Certificate Renewal Reminder

Need to renew your license/certificate? You can access your transcript electronically at any time!

1. Log in to your account in the AEA Professional Learning Registration System
2. Click on the Home button
3. Scroll to the bottom right-hand side of the page to the "My Courses" heading
4. Click on "My Transcript"
5. Click on the "Print Official Transcript" button (cumulative transcript)

Iowa Department of Education - Reference Guide for Required Staff Development

Western Iowa Regents Resource Center - Spring Newsletter

Check out Western Iowa Regents Resource Center - Spring Newsletter for updates on:

  • Scholarships Available for Distance Education Program Students
  • Local Outreach & Activities
  • New Distance Learning Offerings
  • Distance Education Degree Opportunities

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Learning Supports Symposium Announcements

Nominations Are Open for the NEW  Be The One Award!

Any person working within a school building has the power to "Be The One". Nominations are open for any person (AEA/LEA), of any occupation within a school building. Nominations can also come from any AEA or LEA employee.

This award will be presented at the Social-Emotional Learning Supports Symposium to any AEA or LEA employee within a Green Hills AEA district. All nominees should embody the example of what it means to "Be The One" for students. This person should be an exemplar for others. They make an impact by building relationships and being a positive person in the lives of others, ultimately contributing to a positive culture and climate within their schools.

Nominations are due by May 19th, 2021 to be considered.

Social-Emotional Learning Supports Symposium T-Shirts Available for Order!

T-shirts for the 3rd annual Social-Emotional Learning Supports Symposium are now available to order! The shirts are 100% cotton and a unisex fit. Orders close on July 15, 2021!

Self-Care, Sharing & Support for Families Sessions

 Join us for an opportunity to learn more about self-care, engage with other families, and gain support in our Self-Care, Sharing & Support for Families sessions! Attend any or all sessions. 

Upcoming Professional Learning Opportunities

Secondary Illustrative Mathematics

Green Hills AEA mathematics team is excited to offer secondary Illustrative Mathematics support for the 2021-22 school year. We will be offering professional development to get started with the materials along with a variety of options to meet the implementation needs of a school building.

Summer Course Offerings

Green Hills AEA is proud to announce our summer professional learning course offerings for 2021! Be sure to check back frequently - additional opportunities for summer professional learning will be added over the next few weeks!

Drake University Summer Online Courses for PreK-12 Educators

NEW Online Courses:

Additional Courses:

Online Courses for Educators Developed by CEPD
Drake University Continuing Education and Professional Development designs online courses for
PreK-12 teachers, counselors, athletic coaches, and administrators seeking graduate credit for license renewal, salary advancement, or elective credit. Our courses are practical and award-winning.

Online Courses for Coaches and Physical Educators Developed by CEPD
Drake University Continuing Education & Professional Development offers online courses for coaches and physical educators. Nationally renowned coaches, top physical educators, and professional athletes lend their expertise to bring real-world perspectives to each class. Click on any of the course titles for more information.

Online Courses Developed by PLS 3rd Learning
Learn researched-based strategies to apply to your classroom immediately. Discover how to motivate and engage learners to improve student achievement. Elevate your professional expertise and become a master instructor by enrolling in these online classes.

Online School Mental Health Courses Developed by Please Pass the Love
A number of our school mental health (SMH) online courses were developed by PLEASE PASS THE LOVE. PLEASE PASS THE LOVE is committed to increasing SMH supports to improve the quality of life and educational opportunities for children, families, and educators. These unique courses are self-paced, and students may take these courses for graduate credit and Iowa License Renewal Credit. We also offer an audit option. Registration is rolling. Thus, register at any time throughout the year.

Visit the Drake University Continuing Education & Professional Development website for more information regarding all offerings:

Art Educators of Iowa Fall Conference Goes Virtual

The 2021 Art Educators of Iowa conference, Back to Center: Artist, Educator, Innovator, focuses on renewing and revitalizing teachers as teaching artists. This virtual conference will be hands-on, live, and engaging with an emphasis on connecting to one another in live discussion and keynotes even while apart.