Thursday, February 6, 2020

Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading & Spelling (LETRS)

Teachers, Not Programs, Teach Children to Read

LETRS® (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading & Spelling) recently earned the International Dyslexia Association’s Accreditation (valid for five years)! Programs accredited by IDA’s program review and accreditation initiative are aligned with IDA’s Knowledge and Practice Standards for Teachers of Reading (KPS). Alignment with the KPS provides programs with a comprehensive standards-based reading preparation framework to guide the development of their curriculum.

LETRS®, developed by renowned literacy experts Dr. Louisa Moats and Dr. Carol Tolman, is a flexible literacy professional development solution for preK–12 educators and provides teachers with the skills they need to master the fundamentals of reading instruction, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension, writing, and language.

LETRS® empowers teachers to understand the:
WHAT - Priority skills focused on phonology, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension must be taught during reading and spelling lessons to obtain the best results for all students.
WHY - Effective reading instruction is complex with several related key components, based on current scientific research.
HOW - Explains spoken and written English language structures to students and how to implement instructional routines, activities, and approaches to differentiate instruction to meet literacy needs for all students.

For more information about the program or to schedule a training, contact one of the GHAEA Literacy Consultants listed below:

Classic LETRS (face-to-face training):
Lesley Ehlers, (Modules 1-3)
Lynn Hockenberry, (Modules 1-9)

Newly certified in the LETRS Units 1-4 (blended training):
Karen Hesse,
Sally Johnston,
Lynn Killpack,

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