Iowa AEA's Systematic Process for Considering Assistive Technology Accommodations and AIM/AEM for Reading (Self-Paced)
The purpose of this guidance is to provide teams with a data-based decision-making process for considering Assistive Technology or AT supports to increase learner access and engagement with curricular materials for learners struggling to meet grade-level standards based on universal screening, Iowa Statewide Assessments, and/or other literacy assessments. This guidance aligns with the AEA Special Education Statewide Procedures and is not in addition to described procedures. It also integrates with the Specially Designed Instruction (SDI) Framework.
AT & Accessibility News Segments
Join Tiffanie Zaugg AT Coordinator from Prairie Lakes AEA and Denise Young AT Consultant for Green Hills AEA in Bitmoji land as they discover ways to make learning accessible and engaging for our students. Their news will provide information on various topics regarding designing for accessibility and assistive technology. There is a wealth of resources on each slide, we hope you have a chance to click and engage with each of the resources. Please take a moment to be a “critic” and provide feedback.
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