Thursday, October 15, 2020

Art Educator of the Year

 Since 1950, Art Educators of Iowa has been recognizing those of its members who stood out as exemplars in the field. AEI & NAEA give awards every year to honor the best art educators and supporters of the arts, in the state of Iowa and at the regional and national levels.

Julia Dyche was the recipient of the 2020 Art Educator of the Year Award.


  1. It was my honor to nominate Julia. As I taught side by side with Julia for 9 years at Shenandoah it did not take me long to realize Julia was the best art teacher EVER. Board certified teacher, basically a doctorate in Art, and most importantly ignited the love of the arts in her students. Then I got to be her building principal and see first hand the dedication and preparation Julia put in to her job. Congratulations to Julia, and enjoy your retirement.

  2. Congratulations, Julia!! This is so well-deserved!!
